What version of Analog does Analog Helper require?
Analog Helper needs version 3.0 of Analog or later. It will automatically prompt you if a copy of this is not found on your disk.
What can I do with my old .cfg files?
Analog Helper can import these, using Import from the File menu. A few of the lines in your config file may not be imported, and you will receive a full summary of the import operation when it is completed. You can drag information out of this report onto the desktop as a clipping file.
How do I manage multiple virtual domains?
This depends on how you have you web server configured to write the logs for the separate domains. If it actually records the virtual host as a separate field in log files, you should add the command VHOSTINCLUDE www.mydomain.com to the Analog Configuration Commands section in the Inclusions / Exclusions panel.
However, if it logs requests in made-up directories to mimic the different virtual domains, you should use the Filter log entries by Requested file setting in the Inclusions / Exclusions panel to only include requests from the desired virtual domain. (In this case, also add a Sub-Rule to the directory report to include the real directories on your web site inside the made-up directories).
What about configuration commands Analog Helper doesn't support?
In the Inclusions / Exclusions panel, you can add any extra commands you need in the Analog Configuration Commands section. These will be written at the end of the analog.cfg file.
What about other languages?
Analog Helper supports all the languages that can be accessed using the LANGUAGE command for version 3.0. If you want to use a different language, or a langfile, add the command manually in the Analog Configuration Commands section of the Inclusions / Exclusions panel.
Will I lose my current analog.cfg file?
No. Analog Helper is very careful not to overwrite your current analog.cfg file unless it was created by Analog Helper itself. If an analog.cfg file was found by Analog Helper which it had to remove, the file will have been renamed analog.cfg.old and will be in its original location.
What happens with manconf.cfg?
As before, Analog will automatically read the manconf.cfg file after it has read the configuration set up by Analog Helper. So you can continue to use manconf.cfg to contain overriding settings or lists of aliases.
Are aliases supported?
Analog Helper does not currently support input or output aliases (which let you map certain values to others in order to group them or make them more readable). However, aliases will not be lost if you import a .cfg file, and will be added to the Analog Configuration Commands section of the Inclusions / Exclusions panel. We recommend you put aliases into the manconf.cfg file which Analog always reads last so that they are accessible to all your configurations.
How does multiple report generation work?
If you choose one of the options from the Create Reports menu of the Input Files panel, Analog Helper will automatically step through all the chosen time periods, generating a separate output report file for each one. These will be named as the Report File in the Output Report panel, but will be prefixed with the relevant date.
How do I edit an Analog Helper file without it automatically analyzing?
You can hold down one of the modifier keys (shift, command, option, control) when you open the file, or you can open it by choosing Open from the File menu instead of opening it from the Finder. Once the file is open, you can switch off automatic analysis using the On Open menu at the bottom of the configuration window.